Keyword Finder – Jaaxy Review 2022


Today I want to talk to you about keyword search tools. Having a keyword search tool is the key to success or failure in the website world today. When starting or maintaining a website it is important to do your research so your post and website will rank in search with Google, Yahoo and Bing. You want your post to be on page one of these search engines when people are searching for your content. Today I want to talk to you about a powerful keyword finder, Jaaxy.

The term Search Engine Optimization, (SEO), is how your website is going to rank in search. This goes for a website or YouTube channel. Google owns YouTube and the SEO research is how you are going to get view or clicks to your website or channel.

Search Optimization

What is search Optimization? The SEO definition is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of getting quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or web page from search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo. SEO will target unpaid traffic that is natural or organic, and not paid traffic. Unpaid traffic can come from different kinds of searches, including academic search, image search or video searches.

As someone trying to get traffic to your website the internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, based on the computer programmed algorithms put in place that dictates search engine behavior, this means, what people are looking for on the web. The actual search terms or keywords entered into the search engines and which search engines are preferred by the target audience.

Why is SEO important? When an SEO is performed, a website will receive more visitors from a search engine when websites rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP). When someone, clicks on to your website they can potentially be converted into customers.

Jaaxy – Keyword Finder

Jaaxy is the industry’s only keyword and research platform that was developed by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers. Having Jaaxy is one of the most powerful keyword finder and helps find keywords to optimize posts on your website. There are over 500 Million “brand new” search terms being searched on the world wide web every day and it is important to have a keyword tool that can offer traffic, competition and domain information into billions of keywords. Jaaxy is the tool you need to get your website ranked in search. Try Jaaxy for yourself by using the widget to find keywords.

Here is a list of what you can achieve with Jaaxy

  • Keyword research
  • Identify new niche opportunities
  • Discover your competitors’ strategies
  • Monitor your site rankings
  • Build domain portfolios
  • Find lucrative affiliate products

Above I have the keyword research tool to be able to try out for yourself. You will be able to quickly discover unique, untouched and hot keywords that will help drive people to find your content they are looking for. Check out the search I performed below. My Search results in Jaaxy

As you can see from this screenshot, I searched for Growing Lisianthus Flowers. I have a gardening website and I use Jaaxy for every post I create. It shows the Keyword and other matches for the keyword. Then it shows you the average, traffic, QSR, KQI, SEO and Domains. Let’s break each of these terms down so you can understand.

  • Keyword – is a phrase or word that someone types into the search engine to find what they are looking for
  • Average – the average number of searches the keyword or phrase receives per month
  • Traffic – Visits to your website if you achieve first page rankings in the search engines
  • Quoted Search Results (QSR) – The number of competing websites ranked in Google for the exact keyword
  • Keyword Quality Indicator (KQI) – Green is Great, Yellow is OK and Red is Poor
  • SEO – a score based on traffic and competition, the higher the score the more likely you will rank for this keyword on the first page. The scale is from 1-100, the higher the score, the better for your website to rank in search on the first page of Google.
  • Domains – Shows domains that are available based on keyword searches.

There are other items on the screenshot above. On the right side of the screen there is a brainstorming section. It gives other phrases to drill down on that might have better SEO’s

The other items Jaaxy offers it has Alphabet Soup, you can save lists, see search history, search analysis and site rankings.

Alphabet Soup – check out the screenshot below

Alphabet soup

I added my keyword of Lisianthus and as you can see it will add other words starting with each letter of the alphabet. It will give you the option to search on any of them or add to the brainstorm.

The saved searches is also helpful. When you are searching for keywords to put in your post, you can add several keywords or phrases to refer to later when you are writing your content. See screenshot below

You can see it shows you the keyword, average, traffic, QSR, KQI, SEO and domains for each of the saved searches.

Saved Lists in Jaaxy

They key here is to use as many of these keywords or phrases in your posts to hopefully gets picked up by someone searching the Search Engines for any of these words or phrases, using Google search engine optimization. The more keywords or phrases the better people will find your content. The caveat is, you need to use these keywords so they are grammatically correct in your content. You don’t want your content to not make sense or to think you can’t construct a grammatically correct sentence. Make your content interesting, original and have them come back for more. So doing your research is why SEO is important to be found in the search engine.

Try Jaaxy for Free

You can try jaaxy for free! Yes I said Free with no credit card needed. If you sign up you get 30 searches for free each month. This is what the sign up page looks like.

Sign up for Free

To create a starter account and to get to the page like above, Click Here!

Keywords at your fingertips

3 Jaaxy Options

Free – Starter Option and best to try it out first before any of the other options $0 per month

Pro – Most popular for new Websites $49 per month

Enterprise – Power User $99 per month

I have the enterprise membership. I have 2 websites that I am working on and need the best Search Engine Optimization tool that Jaaxy is offering.

Jaaxy Membership Options

If you would like to see the different options for yourself click on the link below.

<<<< = Click here for Jaaxy membership options = >>>>

Jaaxy Advantages

  • Very easy web based interface – no software to download
  • Easy for any skill level
  • Support is helpful and fast
  • Get the best keyword search results on the market
  • Easily find domain availability within Jaaxy
  • Accurate results to boost traffic to your website

Jaaxy Disadvantages

  • None

In Conclusion,

The bottom line hear is anyone that is working on a website or two or any type of website work where search engine optimization is needed, Jaaxy is the best tool out there.

Like I said earlier, Jaaxy was made by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers. Even if you are not an affiliate marketer, driving traffic to your website is key and why not have the best SEO tool out there and you can try it for free for as long as you like, with no credit card needed. It does have some limitations but if things pick up for your website you might want to upgrade to the pro or enterprise options.

Jaaxy is an awesome SEO research tool and that can be used at any skill level and doesn’t need to be downloaded on your computer.

<<<< = Start your free membership today = >>>>



Me and My Husband

8 thoughts on “Keyword Finder – Jaaxy Review 2022”

  1. If you are writing with a purpose meaning that you are trying to monetize content, build subscribers, run a competition or run a campaign doing so without understanding keyword research as you have shown means that you would be shooting in the dark and highly likely that you will miss the mark. Jaxxy keyword tool offers an excellent way to drill down on what search terms are popular in terms of traffic and whether they are competitive, to determine how much effort you have to make to rank. Jaxxy surely is a winner in my toolbox that I utilize all the time.

    • Hi Hugh,

      Thank you for your comments on how Jaaxy has helped you and how you use it all the time.  I also use it all the time too.  It would be impossible to write content without it.


  2. What an excellent article for people approaching retirement age! I love your Jaaxy review and how you tie it in to affiliate marketing. I also like the way you explained the process of keyword research.  I also like that there is the free, pro and enterprise versions for Jaaxy. This way, you don’t lose money if you want to try it. Thanks for a great post. 

    • Hi Shalisha,

      Jaaxy is great and the best part is trying it out for free.  If things go well with your website and starts incurring sales from affiliate marketing then you can look into the paid versions.  The same concept is why I started Wealthy Affiliate, you could start that for free as well.


  3. I love Jaaxy, I have been using it for years and know first hand that Jaaxy is a great KeyWord search tool that will help in getting the best search terms for your topics. There are 3 versions from which to choose from one being the free version and the other two must be paid for. I will encourage anyone to use this amazing search tool.

    • Hi Norman,

      I am glad you like Jaaxy too!  I also liked you can try it out for free before any of the paid subscriptions.


  4. I use Jaaxy a lot too, it’s so easy to look for keywords and I love how this site has a save to a list kind of thing that way if you want to go back to that keyword you just go to the list you made. 

    And the best thing about this is it’s free to look up keywords! 🙂 And being that I can’t pay for much, knowing that this site is free is amazing to know.

    I love your review of this, thanks for writing on this. I wish you the best for this site.


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