How to get more Subscribers on YouTube – Using VidIQ


Some of you may know I have started a gardening YouTube channel, called Gardening at the Simongetti North, if you are into gardening, check it out. Since I started my channel and even today, I have been doing a lot of studying with how to start a YouTube channel, how to create thumbnails, edit videos, how to get more subscribers on YouTube and everything else that goes with having a YouTube channel.

One of the things I found very helpful is I came across a helpful tool called vidIQ. They have a Chrome and FireFox Extension that connects with your YouTube channel to help you get the most optimization for your videos. If you are interested on how to get more subscribers on YouTube, keep reading below. vidIQ is designed to boost YouTube views and subscribers.

vidIQ Ad

Whether you’re a content creator, digital-first publisher, or a community or marketing manager you need to know:

– What makes ‘Related Videos’ related?

– How do videos get ranked in Search?

– Where do ‘Recommended Videos’ come from?

– What does good YouTube SEO look like?

– How does social media fit into audience development?

– What’s REALLY trending on YouTube

– What content your audience is searching for

– What content to double down on to get more YouTube views

vidIQ’s free Firefox and Chrome extension provides these answers! vidIQ will give you unique and authentic optimization data that can dramatically improve your videos’ performance, subscriber engagement, and promotion opportunities. vidIQ comes with a range of awesome features

About vidIQ

One of the things I like about vidIQ is they have a free version and can help you with search and rankings but at a limited version but still it’s very helpful. They have paid plans but if you are just starting out on a budget, this is a great option to have.

vidIQ has a Dashboard that will show several tracking stats for your Channel that will show you the last 30 day, the last 7 days, and all time, at a glance.

Channel Stats – show views, subscribers, watch time total hours and Retention

Monetization Tracker – Shows Subscribers, the number you have/1,000 and Watch time hours, the hours you have/4,000. For monetization a channel needs 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time. This is when you can apply to be in the partner plan and have adds show on your videos.

Subscribers overview – which is the best time to post videos, once there is enough information to analyze.

Keyword opportunities – this has a search bar for searching keywords to help with search and rankings

Top Keywords Opportunities – Shows top keywords with search view information, competition very high to low and overall score.

Competitors – you can compare with your competitor channels. I believe the free version you can only compare 3 channels with your channel.

Top Videos for your channel – VidIQ will show you the top performing videos of your channel.

Top Search Terms for your channel – VidIQ will show you the top search terms for your channel

Detailed Analytics

How to Grow YouTube Channel

Using vidIQ will show you how to grow your YouTube Channel. Some reasons below

58% of viewers arrive at your videos because of YouTube search and related videos. VidIq will help increase your library of tags by 10x in less than 10 minutes and discover content opportunities you are missing out on.

Best of Breed tools meet best in class – vidIQ will unleash your video marketing potential and build a loyal audience of consumers with tools that ignite your fan base, and strategy to keep you on track. vidIQ reinvented the way that brands engage consumers using videos.

Plans and Pricing

Below shows the different plans from the basic free plan to the Boost+. There is also different cost depending on the number of subscribers to your channel and there are annual payment, if you choose to take one of the paid plans. I started out as the free but then upgraded to Boost for 1 Channel and made an annual payment instead of monthly. Do what works for your budget, including staying with the free plan.

If you do decide to investigate and purchase a plan, click the link to take you to the vidIQ website.

Plans Accessibility

Chrome and Firefox extensions

Web Suite and Plus

Additional Features of vidIQ

vidIQ Score – will rank every YouTube video according to a proprietary, cross-platform algorithm, and assign it an optimization score to predict its likelihood of promotion in Related Videos, Search, Recommended Videos, and more.

Channel Audit – Have you ever wanted your very own Channel Audit, available 24/7? The YouTube Channel audit tool from vidIQ is one of the most powerful video marketing tools you can access. It quickly shows you how your content is

performing, what’s working, and what issues need your attention. This is an awesome tool!

Video Velocity – Measured in Views Per Hour, the Velocity feature allows you to identify which YouTube videos are gaining viral traction by seeing how quickly views are accelerating – in real-time!

vidIQ Competitors Tool – Get insights into what your competitors are doing to rank highly and generate major views and subscribers. Our Competitors Tool allows you to follow the competition and leverage what they do right for your own

YouTube strategy.

Average Watch Time – Get an exact idea of average viewing length for both your videos and those you’re watching.

Social Media Likes/Shares/Comments – See how many times someone on Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit has Liked, Shared or included your video’s URL in a comment.

Proprietary Keyword Research

My Final Thoughts!

As you can see vidIQ is a pretty powerful tool to help with search and rankings for your YouTube videos. The extensions for Chrome or FireFox make it really easy for vidIQ to help you optimize your videos for the best potential to crack the YouTube algorithm and get your video shown and viewed.

Remember you can start this for free, you have nothing to lose! Check this out on a YouTube search, this tool is used by most YouTube creators, beginner to novice.


=====>>>>Click here to check out vidIQ<<<<=====

Have you started a YouTube channel? Are you still on the fence? Find a Niche that is your passion or something you really enjoy. Make a plan for your video, start messy and press record! The difference between someone who started a channel and someone who didn’t, is getting started.

I hope you found this post helpful, and leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you!

Audit Tool




Me and My Husband

There are affiliate links on this web page. If you click on the link and purchase a plan, I will get a small commission that will help support my blog and YouTube channel.

8 thoughts on “How to get more Subscribers on YouTube – Using VidIQ”

  1. I used to monetize my Youtube channel and done okay with it. It wsasnt mega bucks but it was little bit of Candy money. Then they changed the rules to needing 1000 subscribers. Google arent interested in paying the little guy anymore eh. So, I could be doing with getting my subscribers up and getting it monetized again. Thanks for sharing this review. I’ll give it a check out.

    • Thank you for your comments.  They really help with keyword searches and getting your titles and descriptions to get the best search opportunities.  You can try it for free and if you feel it’s working you can upgrade to a paid subscription where they help you even more.  Good luck with your channel

  2. Hi. This is really helpful information for me right now. I have been working on an idea for my Youtube channel for a while now but I have been putting off starting it until I am sure I will be able to sustain it with regular new material. VidIQ looks like the perfect package to help position, tweak and rank a new Youtube channel. I particularly appreciate that they have a free starter basic package. Thanks again for this review as it was really exactly what I needed right now. Best regards, Andy

    • Hi Andy,

      Thank you for your comments and I am glad my article could help you in your YouTube journey.  Definitely start out with the free version first, then if your channel is growing then consider a paid plan to help more with keyword searches and so much more.

  3. Since I am an avid gardener and have a gardening website, I’ll have to check out your youtube channel! I never heard of VidIQ but you explained it very well. It sounds like this would be very helpful to have if I were to create a youtube video or possibly one day a channel. Thanks for the information. I’ll pass it along if someone I know is interested in creating a channel.

    • Hi Nina,

      Thank you for your comments and please share with others you know who are thinking or are starting a channel.  vidIQ has been very helpful with making sure I have good ranking titles, descriptions and tags.  I recommend using the free version first, and if you find it helpful then get the paid subscription.

  4. Hello, this is a very interesting and educative post. I have tried YouTube videos before but I’m not familiar with VidIQ. From just the way you outlined how it works, it seems so amazing and very important. For the start, do you recommend to start for free, and then upgrade later depending on the progress? This is helpful, thank you so much for sharing. 

    • Hi,

      Yes, I recommend using any free app at first then if you find value it it, then purchase the paid subscription.  vidIQ helps with search rankings, boosting titles and descriptions, and helps with keyword searches and tags.  I hope you try out vidIQ for your channel, let me know how it works.


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