2021 Review – Commission Academy – Is it a Scam?


Welcome to my 2021 Review of Commission Academy. I will discuss what is Commission Academy, how it works, how affiliate marketing is huge business, the pros and cons and my final thoughts.  I will answer the question if Commission Academy – is it a Scam?

What is Commission Academy?

Commission Academy was created by Dale, with the intention of helping people get a “quick start” online. Commission Academy is an affiliate marketing platform, that teaches you how to become a super affiliate marketer.

Commission Academy

How does Commission Academy Work?

First you will need to set up your free account. Use the setup wizard to help you through the set up of your free account. There is a 3 step process

  1. You get a welcome to the program
  2. Explains affiliate marketing in detail
  3. Helps you launch your first website

Once you have set up your free account, you will be able to begin the “Fast-Start Training” Course. This course inside Commission Academy has 13 mini videos to show you step-by-step on how to set up your website for success, and teach you how to start earning commissions.

Online Learning

The training course covers;

  • Using an email list to create income on demand
  • Leveraging a method known as “online Content Creation”
  • Outsourcing your tasks to completely automate your business

This training is explained in simple, easy, terms, easy for beginners. As long as you can watch a video and follow instructions, it should be pretty easy and be a successful Commission Academy member.

Affiliate Marketing – Huge Business

Affiliate marketing is a business where you promote other peoples products with the opportunity to earn commission. There are over 598,500,000 products to promote without dealing with shipping, support, refunds or dealing with inventory. That is why Affiliate Marketing is the perfect choice for beginners who are looking to start earning an income online, with little or no money.


The affiliate marketing industry is growing fast with absolutely no signs of stopping. Over 81% of brands now have affiliate programs & in the U.S. alone the industry is expected to reach $8.2 billion by 2022, more than triple what it was 10 years earlier. In addition to that, there are more than 4 billion potential customers online and that number is going to grow rapidly by the day as more people are shopping online.  If this sounds really good, click this link to get registered for your free account at Commission Academy

What are the positives – Commission Academy?

  • There is no investment required
  • You have access to great affiliate program
  • Training is geared to getting you up and running fast
  • The method was proven by the owner and others
  • Access to a coach & helpful community
  • Created by a successful super affiliate

What are the negatives – Commission Academy?

Final thoughts about Commission Academy

My final thoughts about this platform, it’s definitely not a scam. I joined it to help me get more information to help with building my websites and more ideas for better content. What I thought was interesting was when it came to building the website, they refer you to Wealthy Affiliate, where I am already a member. Dave the founder of Commission Academy, is a super affiliate, who claims to went from zero to over $14,000 per month in his first 6 months of affiliate marketing.

I think the combination of Wealthy Affiliate and Commission Academy, you have an awesome chance of becoming a successful affiliate marketer too, or maybe a super affiliate marketer! That is my goal!

If you want to get more information on how you can be a super affiliate marketer

==>Click this link to open your Free Commission Academy Account Today<==


4 thoughts on “2021 Review – Commission Academy – Is it a Scam?”

  1. I really appreciate the fact that you don’t have to invest anything when joining this platform and creating an account; especially if you’re unsure and don’t know if you will like it and stick with it or if it is not for you. Thank you for your honesty and for giving us an inside look on how this platform works. Good affiliate marketing tools can sometimes be hard to find but there’s always small takeovers from which we can learn and better our skills.

  2. Hello there! Since I am fairly new to internet marketing, I am still not up to date with all the available opportunities out there and Commission Academy is just one of them. After reading your post about it, it seems like legit program. Interesting that when one wants to create a website, they would just refer you to wealthy affiliate which I already have an account with. Had I ran into Commission Academy first before I found wealthy affiliate, I definitely would have checked it out. Thanks for sharing this!

    • Hi Mike,

      It doesn’t hurt to check it out anyway.  It’s just more information to be successful and it’s free.  The perspective from a super affiliate.  Knowledge is king!  Keep learning and I am doing the same!  Thank you for your comments.


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