How to Create a YouTube Video


Today I want to talk about how to create a YouTube video. This is something I am going to be doing soon and I am researching on how to create a YouTube Video and I thought I would share the information I learn with you.

YouTube isn’t just a video hosting community its another social network and community. People are watching YouTube every day and in some cases more than regular TV. Well, it is at my house anyway, LOL. YouTube is the second most visited site in the world.

picture someone editing a video

If you have a niche you want to share on YouTube, there is an audience out there just waiting to see your video. My niche is Gardening, my channel is called Gardening at the Simongetti North. I plan on showing my gardening projects and other gardening ideas. We live on 20 acres so there is plenty of gardening interest to be able to video.

What to Consider when Making a Video

When deciding to create videos for whatever niche you’ve decided, find topics that people are interested in learning about. Along with discovering questions people have in your niche, to be able to make a video for. People are always looking for different ways to do things. Make sure you identify your niche and audience. Figure out what types of questions they have within your niche or how to do something that might be difficult for some.

YouTube app on phone

Create a quality video, people want to watch a quality video, if you have poor video and sound you will not get far. Making sure you use equipment to capture a good video and sound. People have made quality videos using their cell phone. There is nothing fancy just make sure the camera is steady and they can hear you. This also includes editing of your videos, to make them standout to make people want to watch your video and hopefully subscribe to your channel.

Be creative when creating good videos with informative content. Engage with your audience on YouTube. This not only helps with building a loyal a following but also makes the algorithm favor your videos more by creating high engagement. By engaging with your YouTube community, you not only build your audience, but you also exert a bit of control over your visibility, rather than the algorithm.

When thinking about creating a video you need to think about the YouTube algorithm and how it works.

The YouTube algorithm is based on a few simple concepts.

  • Subscribers – How many subscribers do you have and how fast are you getting new ones over time?
  • Views – How many views does a single video have as well as all videos on your channel?
  • Growth – How fast is your channel gaining new subscribers and views – this also refers to getting consistent growth over time?
  • Engagement – How many comments and likes do you have on a video or all videos?

When you are first starting out you won’t have any subscribers. This is something to think about once you start posting videos. Once you have some videos posted, watch how the algorithm reacts to you videos. Also watch your competition to see what they are doing and what can be done differently to attract subscribers to your channel.

Making a Video Plan

This is called pre-production. You should have a plan before just jumping in and making videos.


Tell a Story – Plan on a beginning, a middle and an end. Tell them what you are going to show, then show it to them and close the video


Create an outline – having an outline helps you keep on track of what you want to get across in your video. Keeps you from going on a tangent and just rambling on. Keep to the subject but still have fun.

Write out a Plan for the video


What do you want to show – Make a plan on what you want to say but what are you going to show to your audience that they might be interested in.


Have consistency in your videos – by posting them on a type of schedule once a week or 3 times per week. It is recommended to post the videos the same time and day of the week. This helps your subscribers know when to look for new videos.



Equipment needed for Videos




  • Camera – With the power of modern smartphones, you can capture high-quality video even with your iPhone or Android mobile phone. This is how many famous YouTubers got their start. Consider starting here before investing in more expensive cameras, because they get expensive! If you want to advance to another level, its recommended to uses a DSLR camera. These are very popular with YouTubers because they allow you to use different lenses and provide extremely high video quality that looks awesome


  • Tripod – is good to have when you want to make sure the camera is steady. Also, you can do shots without someone else.
  • Microphone – having a good microphone is a good idea. Some built in microphones can pick up a lot of background noise.
  • Headphones – this is needed before publishing the video. You will want to listen to the video for any strange noises
  • Editing Suite – having a good editing suite will help you edit your videos and add things to make them stand out from others. Being creative and original to want people to subscribe to your channel.
  • Computer – editing will be done on a computer by transferring your videos and using the editing suite you downloaded to edit your videos to make them awesome.

Transferring and Editing Video for YouTube

This is what is called Post Production and where some people like me need to learn how to do this and one of the reasons I am doing this post. I want to learn what is all involved first before just jumping in. There are free YouTube video editing options that try to give you just enough options that you can produce something decent. There are paid editing platforms that offer an abundance of tools and education to make sure you are competitive and noteworthy. Of course, there are options that span everything in between.

When considering an editing software, make sure that it will work with your system. Some are better or only available on Windows versus Mac. If you’re shooting on your phone or tablet, you’ll probably want to consider a mobile editing app, rather than transferring everything to your computer for editing.

Dog and Computer

The editing software needs to take audio into consideration. Choose something that will allow you to clean up your audio, add effects, make voice over easy, and give access to royalty-free music. You definitely don’t want to use music not license for you to use. That will get you in all sorts of issues.

Your introduction and summary are important elements when you are presenting material, but every video also needs an intro and an outro. This is typically something you’ll choose early on and will consistently use on every video to help keep your videos consistent and recognizable. You also want to add your title, maybe graphics, and even screen captures, depending on the topic and your presentation style.

How to grow subscribers

There are some simple ways on how to grow subscribers to your YouTube channel.

Ask Viewers to Subscribe to your channel – you can add this during the making of your video

Create an engaging Outro – create excitement on what might come next to your channel

Use Clickables – to create engagements

Create a channel Trailer – a high quality trailer will make the first time viewers interested

Use Social Media images – promote your channel on other social media platforms

Keyword Searches – can help attract new viewers by having keywords in the title and description

Thank subscribers – when reach subscriber milestone, thank everyone for supporting your channel

Don’t go too long in between videos. You don’t need to do them every day but be consistent on what you commit yourself too. If it’s 3, 2 or 1 Video a week, make sure you publish it the same day and time each week. This will keep your subscribers interested.

My Final Thoughts

I hope you found this information helpful, Doing this research really helped me get more prepared for starting my own YouTube channel. I have my channel created by no videos as of yet. I did some practice videos today with my phone so I could see what they look like and how I look on camera as well.

I think starting a YouTube channel could be a lot of fun. Stay tuned for Gardening at the Simongetti North! I will be posting gardening projects we have on our 20 acres.

Are you interested in creating a YouTube video? I hope you found this post helpful and informative.

Please leave me a comment below, I would love to hear from you!

If you are interested in gardening channels on YouTube, be watching for my new channel “Gardening at the Simongetti North!”



Me and My Husband

6 thoughts on “How to Create a YouTube Video”

  1. I have been tempted for a while to make to make a YouTube video because I know I might successful in it. Many videos in my niche are getting views

    Its not always easy to start a video. It takes courage to do it, but like you stated YouTube is indeed popular so, it can bring a great benefit to people’s business.

    Thanks for the insights. 

  2. Hello Chris. Pleased to meet you. I went through your article on how to create a YouTube video. I found it very educative and informative. I must agree with you that a video must have a clear sound and color so that it can be interesting to watch. Creativity counts too, if you want a huge audience. Thanks for sharing this amazing post. I will be sharing it further too.

  3. Hi Chris
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on creating you tube videos which are watched widely around the world. You tube videos are becoming very popular and we can easily start our own channel. Your suggestion on how to grow our subscribers is very valuable. Please also share some editing tools you will be using in your pre-production stage.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur


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